Monday, March 9, 2009

So Many Milestones!

I cannot believe how quickly the weeks have passed since I last updated this blog. I enjoy writing very much but I enjoy spending time with my precious daughter and husband even more. Those things always take precedence over everything else these days. But, there are a few exciting milestones that little PJ has passed that are worth mentioning.

11 weeks old
Payton turns 12 weeks old this coming Wednesday. It confuses me, though. Is she three months old, then? Michael says she's not three months old until March 17th since she was born on December 17th...but I count her age from week to when she is technically three months old, she will be the equivalent of 12 weeks and 5 days. Oh what does it really matter, I guess!?!? :-)

Now on to the milestones:

First, she began sleeping through the night around 6 or 7 weeks of age. Technically, sleeping through the night is considered only 5 hours but we all know that is not enough sleep! Little Miss Payton usually sleeps anywhere between 6.5 and 8 hours per night. What a bless-ed child, I say! It feels absolutely great to get uninterrupted sleep, and I feel very lucky that she started so early.

Second, Payton started sleeping in her own room around 10 weeks of age. From her first day at home, she was sleeping in the cradle right beside our bed. At 10 weeks, we moved her cradle into her nursery, and she did not even seem to notice the difference. One week later, she started sleeping in her "big girl crib." Again, she did not even seem to notice! Again, BLESS-ED CHILD! I guess we can take apart the cradle and store it in the attic until baby number two joins us.
This is a funny face, so I had to share.

Third, in the middle of the bed changing moment, she had her two-month vaccinations. I was quite trepidatious to say the least! As most of you know, I try to control worrisome thoughts or tendencies in my life. Whenever an anxious thought arises, I remind myself of 2 Cor. 10:5, which encourages us to "...take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." And MOST DAYS, that works for me. But it was especially difficult to keep my mind from wondering how the vaccines would effect my sweet baby girl. She weighed in at 12 lbs, 10 oz. and measured 23.5 inches. When the nurse told me to lay her on the table while holding her hands, she just gazed into my eyes and smiled up at me with utter trust and love...until that first prick! I thought my heart was melting. She cried so hard that she was silent! You know that cry? When they're so shocked that no sound comes up but the face is contorted and the whole body turns red? Oh it still makes me sad thinking about it. Luckily, the nurse completed the other four pricks within nanoseconds and it was over more quickly than it had begun. I just held her as close to me as possible to console her. She actually recovered in less than three minutes and was cooing at me in her carseat 10 minutes later! She's a trooper! Here's a picture of her green snoopy band aids:

Then tonight, Michael and PJ shared a very cute milestone together. He fed Payton her very first bottle of expressed breast milk! She took to it like a pro, of course. Michael just beamed and said to her, "You like me NOW, don't you?" It was such a sweet moment. I caught the whole thing on tape! We had been waiting until she was three months old before giving her anything other than the breast. We still plan to only breastfeed her for a long while, but it will be nice to have the occassional option to feed her breast milk through a bottle if Daddy or Granny are babysitting and Momma's not home yet (or if Momma just needs a break).

So that sums up our milestones up to three months of age for our beautiful baby girl, Payton Joy! I'll try to make more frequent updates so as to keep each posting shorter but I make no promises. Like I said before, spending time with and taking care of PJ is my number one job. Everything else has to wait. Until next time...Happy Spring!

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